Well here I am!

After two weeks of sickness in our household, we feel human again. Finally. It had begun a couple of Fridays ago, when I was supposed to get some cleaning done around the house to where we wouldn’t be so cluttered. But the universe had other plans. That afternoon I started to feel sluggish, then later that night N began coughing that awful, croupy cough. 

I’ll spare you the details after that, but the next two weeks were not fun! 

I, however, did not fail to start on that Honey-Do list: The bedroom fan. I bought the remote on my lunch break and a couple of days later went in for the kill. I grabbed the remote, stuffed the batter in there and went at it, flipping the switches into their 16 different positions. Well, the package states that there are 16 different combinations. However, there are two frequencies, so technically it’s 32 combinations, right? 😉 I had gone through all of the combinations when I began to scratch my head. Then it dawned on me that I hadn’t tried the *other* frequency. Flipped that switch, and sure enough, the blades of the fan began to circle round and round. 

Satisfaction commenced. Oh, the things we get excited over as grown-ups. 😉 

Next up: Christening the bathtub.

About CrazyMom

Crazed working mom of two who does it all. Wait... isn't that redundant?
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